DV-2014綠卡抽籤 抽籤移民簽證詐騙警告




抽籤移民簽證, 詐騙警告






肯塔基領事中心(KCC)不收取參加美國抽籤移民之任何費用。唯有網路網站最後為“.gov” 指標者才為政府的官方網站。


中選的抽籤移民申請者,肯塔基領事中心, 絕對不是以電子郵件通知,沒有任何其他機構或公司,被美國政府授權可通知中選的抽籤移民申請人.



The E-DV program entries are submitted on the Internet, on the official U.S. government E-DV website.

Notification letters will not be sent to the selected applicants. The U.S. government has never sent e-mails to notify individuals that they have been selected, and there are no plans to use e-mail for this purpose for the DV-2014 program.

Selectees will only receive e-mail communications alerting them that a visa appointment has been scheduled after they have responded to the notification instructions on Entrant Status Check.

Such e-mails will direct selectees to check their interview appointment details on Entrant Status Check and will not contain information on the actual appointment date and time

(information from USA goverment website)